Sunday, April 15, 2007

First Annual Showing, June '06

On Thursday and Friday, June 22-23, 2006, we had our first annual showing of the Epic New Plant Trial, with attendees including on those first two days, customers, suppliers, garden talk-show hosts, garden writers and photographers. On Sunday, June 25th, the trial was open to the public during our annual open house, the Epic Festival of Plants.

For our industry guests, we provided each with a trial booklet containing an entry (example below) for each of the 100+ varieties in the trial.

Plant Name: Salvia 'Eveline'
Source: Darwin Plants
Plant Origin: Future Plants introduction; hybrid involving S. pratense
Planted: Fall '05
Flowering: May
Winter Loss: little or none
Comments: bloomed very early; some cut back to see if re-blooms

In addition, we were also kind enough to provide them with some timely refreshments:

Finally, we asked all attendees to vote for their favourite. The "Top 12" results of which are as follows:

1. Sedum 'Hab Gray'
2. Sedum 'Chocolate Sauce'
3. Leucanthemum 'Sonnenschein'
4. Heuchera 'Hollywood'
5. Campanula 'Royal Wave'
6. Campanula 'Plum Wine'
7. Heuchera 'Chinook'
8. Heuchera 'Rave On'
9. Veronica 'Twilight'
10. Verbascum 'Gold Nugget'
11. Calamagrostis 'Elderorado'
12. Echinacea 'Sunset'

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